

Sarah’s books are available to buy from multiple retailers, we have listed some of the links below. Sarah is available to take on illustration, jewellery, writing and craft commissions, please contact her to arrange.


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Sarah’s first picture book ‘Frog Finds Home’ is available to purchase in book shops and through the Lela Initiative. Money from the sale of this book goes toward library projects in Uganda.

Sarah’s second picture book - ‘Chameleon’s Colour Quest’ is now available to pre-order and will be launching this autumn.

‘Is this it?’ He cries out loud,

‘Is this what life will be?

Cracked and parched and empty? Are there no more colours to see?’

Chameleon’s life in the scrubland is bland. He sets out on an adventure to add more colour to his life . But then his friends warn him to stay away from blue. Can he fulfil his colour quest without it?

Sarah has been helping International Elf Service make some tags for the naughty reindeer who keep losing them! If you would like one pick one up from International Elf Service.

Poo Poo Parenting - Sarah’s tongue in cheek parenting and parody book is available through Amazon.

Ashes of Childhood - The harrowing story of Lela Burbridge, growing up as an AIDS orphan in Uganda. Sarah worked on the book alongside Lela to help Lela tell her story. Available from The Lela Initiative.